
German police offer 5000 Euro reward for Synagogue arson information

The perpetrator was able to escape, and the police are looking for surveillance footage, car dashboard camera videos, and photographs that could lead to their identification.

Man arrested after setting US Sen. Bernie Sanders' office door in Vermont ablaze

The arsonist was recorded by security cameras spraying a liquid near the door and setting it alight, the US attorney's office said.


Previously undisclosed documents reveal 2020 arson at Iran nuclear facility

This sabotage operation is not the first one carried out at Iranian nuclear facilities.

Hackney Fire arsonist charged, may not have had antisemitic motives

The arsonist, a man in his 60s, allegedly made antisemitic comments during his arrest.

Fire at B'Tselem building Jerusalem, January 10, 2016

Four wounded in possible antisemitic arson of London house, suspect arrested

The 60-year-old man arrested on suspicion of arson near the scene of the midday Hackney borough blaze reportedly made "a number of threatening comments, some of which were allegedly antisemitic."

Arsonist with ‘kill rabbi’ tattoo sentenced to decades in prison for burning rabbi’s home

Matthew Karelefsky, 46, was convicted last month of charges including attempted murder, arson and assault for the crime in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Midwood.


Florida Chabad synagogue and community center set aflame in arson

Las Olas Chabad seeks to raise a million dollars to rebuild the center.

US man burns 75% of his body trying to open bag of chips with fire

Maintenance men were able to save the man's life, putting the fire out with a hose before emergency services arrived.

Toronto Police investigate hate-fueled arson, 'Free Palestine' graffiti

Since the October 7 massacre, hate crimes have more than doubled compared to the same time period in 2022.

Iran envoy summoned by German Foreign Office over synagogue arson

A German-Iranian man was sentenced on Tuesday for attempting an arson attack against a synagogue in Bochum.

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